- - an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental music.
- Animal photo art references search
- JustSketchMe - character posing for artists
- - a helpful resource for website creation.
- Human pose search
- OneLook - it lets you find any kind of word for any kind of writing. Like a traditional thesaurus, you can use it to find synonyms and antonyms, but it's far more flexible.
- SCM Music Player - seamless music for your website
- Ezgif - a simple online GIF maker and toolset for basic animated GIF editing.
- You feel like shit - This is meant to be an interactive flow chart for people who struggle with self care/executive dysfunction, and/or who have trouble reading internal signals.
- Catbox - permanent file storage.
- Litterbox - temporal file storage.
- B-list resourse carrd.
- JScreenFix - repairs stuck pixels on your monitor.
- - alterhuman dictionary.
- - a lot of resources for trans folks, also a personal site.
- - codes + resources for scripts.
- Indie wiki buddy - when you visit fandom wiki or fextralife exstention redirects you to independent one.
- Queering the map - community generated counter-mapping platform for digitally archiving LGBTQ2IA+ experience in relation to physical space.
- cbox - online chatbox 4 ur site!.
webbed sites/neighbours